Satellite workshop at NetSci2018
12 Jun 2018 Paris (France)

Submission rules

We invite abstracts of published or unpublished work for contributed talks to take place at the satellite symposium. We hope for a broad range of topics to be covered, across theory, methodology, and application to empirical data, relating to an interdisciplinary reflection on how methods from social science could be up-scaled to large network structures and on how methods from complex systems could be down-scaled to deal with small heterogeneous structures.

Submission can only be made through the specific page of this website.

Submissions are required to be at most 600 words long including the following information: title of the talk, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), name of the presenter, abstract. Papers or submissions longer than 1 page will not be accepted. 

Abstract submission deadline is March 25, 2018.
Notification of acceptance will be no later than April 23, 2018.

Submissions will be evaluated and selected based on the adherence with the theme of the satellite, originality and scientific soundness. Authors of the accepted abstracts will be notified by e-mail. 

Please remember that all meeting participants have to register for NetSci2018 here.

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